Denominator of Algebraic Number


The denominator of an algebraic number α is the smallest positive integer k such that kα is an algebraic integer.

A priori, this so called denominator may not exist. As such, the remainder of this note is devoted to proving that indeed, as above, it is well defined.


For any element α of a number field K, there exists an integer kZ{0} such that kαOK.


Let K be a number field of degree n over Q. K has an integral basis {α1,,αn} and as such, every element αK can be expressed as


where m1,,mn,k1,,knZ and k1,,kn0. That is, everything is a Q linear combination of the basis. Then, letting k=lcm(k1,,kn), we have that


is a Z linear combination of the integral basis and hence an algebraic integer. That is, kαOK.


For any algebraic number α, there exists a positive integer k such that kα is an algebraic integer.


Of course every algebraic number α is an element of the number field Q(α) and thus there exists a positive integer k such that kαOQ(α) which is a subset of the set of all algebraic integers.